Skin By
Mr User
Bmp's done in PhotoShop
Icons done in IconForge
Warped thoughts provided by the voices in my head!!
**********/ XXXX ///XXXX ***********
*********/ XXXX // XXXX XX^^ **********
********/ XXXX // XXXX XX ********
*******/ XXXX XXXX XX @ *******
**********/ XXX XXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX ************
*********/ XXX XXX XX XX XX XX *********
********/ XXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXX ********
*******/ XXX XXX XX XX XX XX *******
Bmp's done in PhotoShop
Icons done in IconForge
Warped thoughts came from my own sick mind!!
-Under Construction-
created by dark ninja aka Jacob
website :
e-mail : info-is@in-file
date started : 24.06.2004
date finished : 27.05.2005
a skin by ~Supey
general contact info:
e-mail: info-is@in-file
AIM sn: Supey8079
visit my website and check out all of my other skins at
IMVHO, the vis looks best with osciloscope with 9fps and line s ...
================================Agent J-87================================
6:02 PM 5/12/2006
Here's a skin I've been working on in between things,its a follow up version to my Army-Amped skin,hope you like it.This skin was made using Micrografx Picture ...
Winamp 2.x skin
By: Stephan Hoekstra aka AmpBurner (info-is@in-file)
Other skins by Ampburner:Smirnoff Vodka Power Amp 2000
Bacardi V1.0
The Idea of Snipeamp came from playing Unreal Tournament. One day I
woke up and thought ...
Raymond's FORM-AMP skin.
Hi everyone.
This is my first (offifcial) skin. It supports the Equalizer, Playlist and Minibrowser.
This skin is NOT supposed to look like Windows 95, but look like a form that you can create wi ...
1 fon(genel)
2 yazı( genel)
3 fon(search,118 items)
4 yazı( library, show info ...)
5 yazı(search, 118 items ....)
6 çerçeve (listeler)
8 fon (artist albüm...)
9 yazı( // )
10 sol ve üst çeçeve(artist albüm..)
11 sağ ve aLT çeçeve(artist alb ...