Barracuda by Kartal...
Version 1.4 18/3/2004
For Winamp 5
Includes everthing that you'll need.Enjoy..
By the way Kartal is not Kalak.
.... ...
Winamp classic skin by a112.
Finished 10.07.2004 15:31
Well, I wasn't really going to make any more
Winamp skins, but Azumanga Daion series is
so cute ...
.[ ]
.[skin info]
.[creator.:.Jason Lange]
.[date of update.:.2'12'01]
.[inspired by.:.Happiness=read: >:Kaolla::Kaolla Su:<
.:Answers without questions start here:
^:Yes, It is an obsession.
^:Yes, I ...
Thanks for downloading Muscle Nut's WinAmp Skin...
to install this skin just unzip all of the files in your WinAmp
directory... using the old folder option in winzip or -d command
for pkunzip ... it should create a folder called "musclenut"
once all ...
New Idea
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probably say ...
Raymond's FORM-AMP skin.
Hi everyone.
This is my first (offifcial) skin. It supports the Equalizer, Playlist and Minibrowser.
This skin is NOT supposed to look like Windows 95, but look like a form that you can create wi ...
[FEB 13th 2002 - 23:30]
Dark Breeze v.2!!!
By: Filip "Tha_FLiP" Söderlund
No Spam or Ads or stuff like that!!!!!!
Thanx 4 downloading the Dark Breeze
this is my second skin and I think it became pretty cool... ...