Czarnystok v.1.0
(c) by Smaug/Yoss
As you can see, there is some bugs in here, but
i'll try to fix them in the next version :-)
And no minibrowser and AVS windows supported (yet:-)
To tyle z angielskiego ( i tak wiecej niz Wajda na rozdaniu
Oscarow :-)
A po naszemu, znaczy sie po ludzku dodam tyle, ze calosc
powstala w czasie 8h roboty w czysciutkim, nieopluginowanym
Photoshopie. :-)
Aha, i jeszcze cos po ichniemu, zeby nie mysleli, ze
ze mnie niewdzieczne bydle :-)
This skin was made with:
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Template_Skin ;-) (veeeery useful tool :-)
Skinner (blah. for the *.txt file with minivisualizer colors:-)
make shift rerun (winamp skin)
skin design, layout and artwork property of joe psota: info-is@in-file..
other skins include makeshift, opalescent, the creation series and a series of smashing pumpkins
skins found at :
and ...
Golden Jeri Ryan - Remix
(c) Neil Harvey 2000
March 2003 upgraded to winamp2.9 specification
My First, and so far!, best Winamp Skin, based on the beautiful
Jeri Ryan of Star Trek ...
By GoldenSphynx
[ overCAST ]
by GoldenSphynx
You have downloaded my very first skin: overCAST. Every window is skinned including plug-ins and cursors.
Send all comments and question regarding overCAST to:
in ...
------============[ BEAUTY? ]============------
------==========[[ BY HUNTER ]]===========------
------============[[[ ABOUT ]]]=============------
FINISHED: 18/10/2002
RELEASED: 21/10/2002
[BEAUTY? 1.1]
My second winamp skin. If you want the ...