Skin: 8oP's Savage Garden
Artist: info-is@in-file
Note: (skin #2)
My fave music artists. Cool Savage Garden dragon on Main window. Cover from their debut album on Eq. Tried to follow the SG black/white theme. The little colorful character is supposed to be an angel....
/ ___________________________
.. created by Steve Garner
.. info-is@in-file
"Interplanetary Communication" is a skin desi ...
-*** Silence ***-
-October, 2000
-- Skin was born in Adobe Photoshop 5.5
-- Cursors were born in Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
-- I finally finished what used to be 'Em142' but
later became my favorite skin, so I renamed it after
myself: 'The S ...
The skin contained in this zip file is freeware.
If I find that you have:
used it for a business,
placed it in some collection,
renamed it, claimed it as your own,
or added it for download on your website...
without my written permissi ...