BALAJI Web-Designs: Sachin WinAMP Skin
Sachin Tendulkar AMP v1.0
By Balaji, info-is@in-file
Note: Don't re-distribute online(via websites
and homepages) without this readme file.
Copyright 2001 BALAJI Web-Designs (BWD).
All other copyrights are copyright of their
respective owners.
Blizzard v2.0
All images were skinned using Photoshop 7.0, Service Utility, Skinner Utility.
- cbuttons, make larger and smoother
- 3dCurves on main, mb, pledit
- NUMBERS, changed
- added, vide ...
this skin is based around RabCza and NAD 0.93. By Rab and Tobias. you can reach them
at info-is@in-file and info-is@in-file
For Notes on the region-ing and transparancies See Region.txt Also says how to make the
close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...
-==cOf! presents==-
=== ========
Splash v1.0c
Esta es una "skin" para winamp 2.50+
Tendras que pagar U$ 35...nooo al contrario yo le pago al que la use...
Basada en la pantalla de inicio de Winamp (q' noticia!).
" Made of Water "
Date Completed : 26.08.03
Creator : Onur Y. Akmeric
########################### LET DER BE SPACE ###########################
Well i listen to muzic in dakness so i thought of making this
very dark skin for those of you who like to listen to muzic with absolute silence and darkness ..... wel i guess m ...