Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 4.0
martes, 18, octubre, 2005
ver editada con todas las aplicaciones nesesarias
tiene todo con un diseņo dif ...
Imperial Assault v1.0 January 28, 2000
By Stephen Leck
This is my first WinAMP skin, so I hope you like it. I plan on making a few more skins in the future, though I
don't always have the time for it. If you have any questions, comments (i.e. how ...
Gohan Amp
by Larry Tennison
I thought that I would finnaly make a skin of "my"
favorite DragonBall Z character. I probably spent the
most time on this one than the rest of them, but I think
that the fina ...
``````````````````` Titanium-Canary 2.0 - Blue ````````````````````
This version is for all those people who can't
handle the hardcore yellow color of the ordinary
version...it is much brighter and the color is
a light blue lcd...the eq in this one ...
----Krzysztof Kieslowski - RED ----
-skin by StillWater- version 1.4
For more of my skins, go to: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=13265
For my MikroAmp skins, go to: http://winamp.com/com ...
Yahoo! Instant Messanger Amp (YAHOO! AMP)
(c) Neil Harvey 2000
A skin based on the Yahoo! instant messanger program, this amp basically is a re-working of my AOL instant Messenger amp, ...