"( Knuckle-Duster )"
I got my inspiration from Fli7e's
Comely Amp.
I think it came out pretty nice?
listen to hagmans_demo.mp3
(a relly great short song)
________________________________________ ...
Sepish - Skin For Winamp
version: 1.0 (4-21-2000)
Transparent skin for Winamp, I just wanted to know is it possible to make a round skin... Yes, but some parts will be missing... I recommend you to put the main window on top and the equalizer below ...
Coca-Cola Skin
Coke Forever
Hello again,
It's me again, with another skin. This is my 5th skin, my other 4 skins were about the same person ...
Author: John McCord, III
Email: info-is@in-file
Web Page: http://members.8op.com/jpmccord/
Released: May 9, 1999
Information: For use with Winamp 2.x
About the Name: Dark Side of the Moon, 1973 album by the band
Pink Floyd. If you haven't heard o ...
Break the machine MkII! People complained about the lack of minibrower, AVS, Mono/Stereo displayand other such oky-moloky. So now I've broken the rest of it too. Enjoy. info-is@in-file ...
Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 07/09/2003
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Comment: ???
P.S. If you have any comments or
helpful tips, feel free to
contac ...