"UglyMetal and Candy Things"... es el nombre verdadero y de los skins que hice es el que mas me gusta. Hecho en Image Composer ( me quedo una joyita, a ver si la gente de se pone las pilas y lo publica rapido :))
Va dedicado a MI, a Martin Bello (
Sianide AMP v.1.0
Hello, and welcome to my humble Readme..
Anyway.. this is my Second skin... I got ...
this is my 1rst skin ever!!(i done it without anybod´s help!!)
it is full of bugs because get bored to make it perfect!
skin is made entirely in ps 9.0 with defaults!!
dont rip it
dont sell it as it is your
dont edit it with my permision
if you ...
Release Notes for the maxlist WinAMP Skin
22. July 2003 - Final Release
created by jim_phelps (Rafael Czerwinski, info-is@in-file)
This skin is a port of the Dynamine visual-style by ...
ReadMe!.txt for Symax
It's been some time, but I'm finally back with a new skin....
I was just looking at some older skins that I've created. So I looked at my WoodMetal skin,
and I thought: "This can be a lot better!". So ...
Funker Vogt - T
This skin is made by John ...
B L U E S B R O T H E R S - Winamp Skin 1.1
for Winamp 2.x
_ Designed by Jairo Ochoa, info-is@i ...