---------+-+=) CLAY b o x (=+-+---------
created by Alexej Portnoff.
V e r s i o n 1.0 ------ 10 June, 2000
---------------=--==== @ ====--=-----------------
Guess what ! All the elements of the skin are made
of clay and then scanned. As most of you probably
guesseed by now the clay I've got was red :).
Amasingly you're right.
Now I'll tell you what it cost me to make such a thing.
The history of CLAYbox creation is full of dramatic
events and adventures. I had to get dozens of tons
of high quality clay just to make its model. In order
to acheve this goal me and my friends had to rob
a Clay Factory.
All the clay was stored in the Secret Valley in
Syberia. I can't tell you where it is ( It's secret
coordinates ). It took us two weeks to get all the
clay formed into rectangular pieces and put in
together in the Valley. Days after days me and my
friends were working their feet off to make up all
the curves holls for Volume Bar, Seeking Bar etc.
Whithout help of my friends I wouldn't be able
to create a Time Display Field. Hell knows how
many shoes and beer cans we have lost in there -
deep under the clay.
All the holes for buttons were done by showels
and sometimes we had to wait for a few days untill
the sun comes out so, clay melts and showels don't
curve. At nights we would go to out tent camp
where we had a volleybol place and a beech. There
still a dent in this place in a lower right corner
of a skin you can look.
After the forming out part was done we have
ordered a Fantom from CIA, so it flyes 2 miles
above and makes pictures of what we've done.
The photo documents it got were scanned. After
a lot of hard work and suffering using Photoshop4
and Painter5 pictures were connected
together using different skinners or sometimes
simply by hands.
So, after 4 month of work this Clay Skin finally
This was the first and I hope not the last
skin which I've done from scratch 'till the end.
Special Thanks: Peter Michaelov
Alexander Philippov
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There is other version. CLAYbox_v1.1. is little
bit different. All the buttons have different
shapes ( circles , triangles etc.)
Skin has a differenlty shaped buttons for
CLAYbox and CLAYlist.
You can find it at http://paintercity.narod.ru/winamp/winamp_skinful.htm
If somebody has any ideas about skin's outlook
( for example how to do text for PlayList
biuttons ) or you are willing to tell somethig
about my job just write me.
Russia, Saint-Petersburg
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
homepage URL: http://paintercity.narod.ru
ICQ: 39398118
Yamaha by Mike
for winamp 2.50
This skin is supose to look
like my YAMAHA CDX-480 & RX-385
here is other skins I have done:
Mike Metal
Mike Amp
[||| CHIP |||] ...
Release Notes for the maxlist WinAMP Skin
22. July 2003 - Final Release
created by jim_phelps (Rafael Czerwinski, info-is@in-file)
This skin is a port of the Dynamine visual-style by ...
Winamp5 Classified skin for Winamp
(Released January 17, 2004.)
This port of the Modern Default skin was created by combining the
skins of Zarko and GuidoD, with refinements by ...
SCROID for WinAmp
2001 Deadly Six Designs
This skin was an attempt at creating a very easy to use skin, with lots of intricate details. The skin looks best with the EQ over the main window, but hey, do what you wanna do.
As far as I know this skin ...