Nancy Drew - The Llama's Secret (with bars)
copyright 2001 by C. Pitts
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
Anyways, a lot of work went into this, so don't mess with it or rip it off or anything. Beyond that, have fun and enjoy. I am (like every other halfway competent skinner) available for skin designs, parties, weddings, fetching coffee, etc. All for a meager financial consideration. Hehehehehehe.
e-mail : info-is@in-file
The Hardy Boys - The Winamp Skin Mystery
Nancy Drew - The Llama's Secret
Skin By: E-Blackadder
Skin: The Wall
Creator: jjpotter
Many thanks to: *db* and the people in the skin love forum
The font I specified for this skin is a freeware font called Floydian, and it is included in this skin file
Installing the fo ...
10:33 PM 7/6/2005
Hey Every body I have just completed another skin after working on it for the second night,I hope you all like, I made it because I am a fan of the X-Men & and there weren't any skins on Gambit (good ones anyway).Enjoy!!! ...
Lara Croft WinAmp Skin v1.0
Lara Croft Winamp skin (version 1.0) created by Yeo.
This is my first attempt at creating a Winamp skin and I must admit
it took me a LOT of my time, but it's fun!
Any comments(good or bad ...
Ballzzz minimal v 1.0.0 by SacRat
Ballzzz by Taras Brizitsky (AKA SacRat): info-is@in-file
Original idea belongs to Artem Brizitsky (AKA Virus)
Suggestions and bugreports are welcome.
http://sacrat.d ...
----===QUAKE 3 ARENA SKIN====----
version 1.0
Esta é minha primeira skin
portanto se existir alguns BUGS
serão solucionados em uma nova versão.
Made in Brazil
Machine X - By Lawrence Railey
This skin took forever to finish, hope ya'll enjoy it. If your looking for some free techno, trance, dance and euro-house mp3s, check out
Greets: Zippity, Morgue, Azmyth, Yin69Yang, Gr ...