Nancy Drew - The Llama's Secret (with bars)
copyright 2001 by C. Pitts
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
Anyways, a lot of work went into this, so don't mess with it or rip it off or anything. Beyond that, have fun and enjoy. I am (like every other halfway competent skinner) available for skin designs, parties, weddings, fetching coffee, etc. All for a meager financial consideration. Hehehehehehe.
e-mail : info-is@in-file
The Hardy Boys - The Winamp Skin Mystery
Nancy Drew - The Llama's Secret
Skin By: E-Blackadder
=======Iridium 78========
3.1-Transparency and a couple of fixed bugs
This is actually my third edition of my third skin, though this is the second skin I've published.
This is completely Winamp 2.9x compatible, so enjoy. I've been working on this i ...
ReadMe!.txt -- Tropha v1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
I've been working for some time on this one.
The reason I started on this skin is to show this
guy Fadi that rippin' isn't good and you are better off
making yo ...
Choosing Dawn
(Fellowship of the Ring) Legolas
by Elwen Skye
- font is Stonehenge
- balance is hidden, as usual
- EQ/PL toggles are hidden until selected
So, while tryi ...
Permission to port the Prion LiteStep theme to WinAmp2 was given by Rich Kulesus (mrbiotech) on 5-24-04.
The original Prion LiteStep theme, along with many other beautiful and creative LiteStep themes, can be downloaded from mrbiotech's DeviantArt gall ...
Death By Degrees - Nina Williams
By Kuljeet Chauhan (7/2005)
Based on the game Death By Degrees by Namco, featuring Tekken's Nina Williams.
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