Got Wood?
By: Phil Swartwood(info-is@in-file)
A Pine amp, designed to look like wood that has been carved, burned, and attached with brass. I have attempted to make it look like it has a 3D effect. This is version 1. E-mail with ideas for improvements.
Polaramp 1.0
by Endre aka trigger
(First release: Polar Party 14)
October 2005
Dette er første gangen jeg lager winamp-skin.
Jeg har br ...
Blue skin. By heavyoak
Cool cursors huh.
If you want a copy of them make a copy of this skin and open it as a .zip.
Change the .cur to .ani for them to be animated.
If you want more cursors , or info on how to make a skin, E-Mail me at info-is@in-fil ...
13/06/05 04:44 p.m Buenos Aires, Argentina
By El*ArGeNtO
Programs Used::
-MS Paint
-MS Wordpad
-Awicons Pro (Lite Version)
-Winamp region.txt generator by Maxim
-Winamp Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski
http://home.pacbell.n ...