Portable Music Player (White Edition)
This skin was generated using MSPaint, Winamp, and CorelDRAW! 4
My homepage is @ http://www.and2k.force9.co.uk
My Winamp page is linked to from there.
See also the Purple and Turquoise Editions.
Leeloo Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an artist. I have no
artistic skills or imagination other than that I like to play
around with colors and images. If you think my s ...
Creator: Mario Portuguez, de Tres R ...
SONY PMC-301re v3.1 for 2.9
added cursors,mikro amp.
july 7 /2003
SONY PMC-301re v3.0 for 2.9
changed everywhere :-)
june 26 / 2003
Hey, here is the OFFICIAL SKIN I've made for my Website!!!
If you're reading it now, please check my site at http://come.to/myskins
and view ALL my skins!!
If you downloaded this skins from another website than mine, please mail me and tell me where ...
AZURE-AMP v1.2 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...