"AltairAwake[al19full]" ByAltair
When chaos conquers everything,
there is only one chance
to reach happy future;
awakening of order,
[as promised]
complete skin with all windows
and with all details
for winamp2.91
made of blue, grey
plastics and grey metal
..to be continued..
Thank you for Downloading LuXoR Amp 3.0!
This is actually a vastly refurbished version of
my previous egyptian skin that quite frankly, was
butt-ugly now that I look back at it ;-)
+ Authentic Egyptian Designs- All hieroglyphs
are int ...
Winamp Skin: "First Amp 1.1"
Author: Michael Brempel
Date : May 2000
E-mail: info-is@in-file
* Thanks for downloading my "First Amp 1.1".
* Have fun and send me a feedback.
* Fixed a bug in numbers.bmp and a failure in the readme.txt.
Grashade Ionu.wsz
by L.Larsson updated 09/30/04
ALL New for WinAMP 5!
Grashade Ionu by 337...
works best with WinAmp 5
All windows are skinned.
New Graphics w/Vidamp & cursors
Cool Device! w/Updated analyzer.
**** ...
Tokyo Nights
(X) Sumeragi Subaru & Shirou Kamui
by Elwen Skye
- the font is AllureScript
- select "accent text" is in BM Mini
- balance is hidden, as usual
- equalizer an ...
version 1.51
Imagine your brain as a canister filled with ink,
Yeah, now think of your body as the pen where the ink resides
Fuse the two; KAPOW! What are you now?
You're the human magic marker, won't you please surprise my eyes? ...