Esta skin fue creada para:
**Mónica Rodriguez S**
Con todo el afecto que nace
de mi alma, esperando que sea de
tu agrado mi amor
Eres la mujer más Bella del mundo.
Well this is it. The storm chaser skin is finally complete. Thanks to one individual who shall remain unnamed for giving me the basic design. I most likely would have given credit if the original wasn't so messed up. After spending 24 redesigning the layo ...
..: PROTOTYPE 1 :..
ver 1.0
Made by hEBBE 18 November 2000
It took about 6-7 hours to make this skin complete.
It´s made in a few simple programs.
Photoshop 5.5 + plug-ins & Paintshop Pro 5.5.. ...
This skin is the replica to the actual SONY RX77S.
It is the updated version and the best skin i have made.
Please enjoy it, but if u do make any changes 2 it dont take
cred 4 it.
This is the update:
The following aspects have be ...