-----The SHAG skin-----
--by StillWater-- v1.1
This skin is based on the wonderful illustrations of SHAG. I love the late 50s/early 60s style he uses. Check his stuff out at www.SHAG.com
A quick note about the windowshade mode: like in many skins, the top line of the MAIN windowshade window is transparent (to bypass a skin bug in Winamp). However, in this skin the two end pixels of that top line are not transparent. This makes the window easier to 'grab' when it's in one of the top corners of your screen.
Get the rest of my skins here:
A big thanks to the guys at the Winamp.com WA2 skins forum (aka the "Skin Love Forum") for their great feedback on this skin.
RedHotChiliamp skin ver1.2mb
update: 20 July 2000
created by ardnac akar
email : info-is@in-file
url : http://zap.to/patriotx
come to my patriotx's page!!!
You know who ...
Hi, this is my first skin. It's not very nice, but it's my first one. Why Xpectation?
Because I've Xpected from that something new. Maybe you don't like it - 'cause
it's really - REALLY quite ugly. But I belive the next one (Tractor) will be better.
___| Readme Artec v1 for Winamp Classic
I havn't typed one of these readme files in quite some time.
But it had to come to it sooner or later.
Finally made another skin in quite some time.
About the skin:
This is an older skin ...
LIME Version 1.irrelevant decimal number
March 20, 2000
by Wes
Hey! Thanks for downloading this, my first skin. It's the result
of many many hours of procrastination and desparate attempts
to avoid finals ...