Version 2.0
Winamp 2.9x compatible
by Autocon
When writing to me be sure to add "Carpenter Winamp skin" to the subject or the email will be deleted unread.
(c)2003 Autocon
All rights reserved
Protected by US and international copyright laws
Coppied from winamp/wa_dlg.h from the Winamp 2.9 ML SDK.
1) gen.bmp has a generic window frame for plugins to use.
its format is similar to the minibrowser's.
In addition gen.bmp includes a font for the titlebar, in both
highlight and no-highlight modes. The font is variable width,
and it uses the first color before the letter A as the delimiter.
The no-highlight form of letter must be the same width as the
highlight form.
2) genex.bmp has button and scrollbar images, as well as some individual
pixels that describe the colors for the dialog. The button and
scrollbar images should be self explanatory (note that the buttons
have 4 pixel sized edges that are not stretched, and the center is
stretched), and the scrollbars do something similar.
The colors start at (48,0) and run every other pixel. The meaning
of each pixel is:
x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews etc)
x=50: item foreground (text color of edit/listview, etc)
x=52: window background (used to set the bg color for the dialog)
x=54: button text color
x=56: window text color
x=58: color of dividers and sunken borders
x=60: selection color for listviews/playlists/etc
x=62: listview header background color
x=64: listview header text color
x=66: listview header frame top color
x=68: listview header frame middle color
x=70: listview header frame bottom color
x=72: listview header empty color
x=74: scrollbar foreground color
x=76: scrollbar background color
x=78: inverse scrollbar foreground color
x=80: inverse scrollbar background color
x=82: scrollbar dead area color
Thanks for downloading the Ahmadskin vs 1.0
I'm sorry that thw windoshades are screwed, I gotta fix it I know,
but o well the rest of the skin is enjoyable.
Download More at
My e-mail info-is@in-file
aim and aol na ...
a simple little skin by potatoe
questions, comments, criticisms?
feel free to change it to your preference (if you know how),
just, if you re-release it, at leas ...
This skin is the replica to the actual SONY RX77S.
It is the updated version and the best skin i have made.
Please enjoy it, but if u do make any changes 2 it dont take
cred 4 it.
This is the update:
The following aspects have be ...
=== Equalize by Panther 37 ===
When I was creating TI-83amp versions 1 and 1.1
( IDs: 3325 & 144620) I was con-
stricted to the amp looking like a certain object.
This restricted some of my creative talent. So I
made an amp that wasn't b ...
so here it is, my very first skin. if you'd like to know a bit more
about how have done it, keep reading...
simply put, i only had "paintbrush" to create this skin and let me tell
you i had to cut and paste so many times i got fed up and quit. and ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
[Winamper 02]
By: R u b e n A v i l a
Inspired in my own imagination, i
tried not to make it difficult to
understant it at first sigth.
Readable, simple and quite futuristic
i guess, =)
Actually, this skin is the sequel of
a skin i ma ...
winman SONY V6.5b
Created by Eduardo Maldonado Rus for WINAMP 2
The "SONY" lo ...