Readme Amp X-Treme v1.1
Hi and welcome to the readme file of this skin.
This skin is created for the latest version of WInamp, meaning that it has an Equalizer, Playlist and
Minibrowser. So all windows are skinned. I've created this skin in 1024*768 in 32 bit True color mode,
so I don't know if it look allright on other screen modes.
If you notify any bugs, or if you just want to drop me a line, please mail me at info-is@in-file.
You can also visit my site for more skins from me:
Well, that's it! Enjoy my skin!!!
Changes skin to v. 1.1: Changed some things about the playlist (It was messed when you enlarged it).
**[ Denuclos {Gold/Brass} by -| FrezoreR |- ]**
!!! Look out for colormods on the page written below !!!
Skinned: Main, EQ, PL, Winshades, Gen-files, MB and Video
Contact: info-is@in-file
To download update or other skins made by me visit:
1001 Winampskins Amp is a Skin for Winamp 2.x
Version 2.0
designed by Matthias Rasim
--------------------- ...
"Fuuko-chan" version 1.0
07 December 2002
Created by Dimichan
Thanks to the people in the Skinlove forum!
Please no distribution or modification without express permission of the author, it makes it darn hard to update files you don't know exi ...
-============== WinSkin 2.9 ==============-
Winamp skin for Winamp v2.9 or lower.
Skin para Winamp v2.9 ou versões anteriores (deve funcionar com versões posteriores também), baseado no desenho do Wi ...