BALAJI Web-Designs: WinAMP Skin
BWD MediaTower - V2
This is the official skin of BALAJI Web-Designs.
Version History (Changes):-
V2.1 Player stands remodelled. (soon)
V2 Everything is new. Completely new design.
Balance slider changed to indicator.
Coloured lights for:-
Shuffle, Repeat - Main
EQ, Playlist - Main
On, Auto - EQ
Playlist text font changed.
Playlist-buttons text is more visible now.
Main-window is always active.
V1 First release.
BWD Jukebox V2 was my 1st official skin.
BWD MediaTower is my 2nd official skin.
Recommended settings:-
Desktop colour depth - 32 bit.
Spectrum analyzer - Normal, Peaks & Thick bands
Oscilliscope - Solid scope
Best with black or dark wallpapers.
MediaTower doesn't support transparency
because the playlist stands-out. This spoils
the looks of the whole player.
If the player and the background don't match,
try downloading V2.1.
By Balaji, info-is@in-file
Comments, suggestions , work opportunities,
anything mail them to the above address.
Note: Don't re-distribute online(via websites
and homepages) without this readme file.
Copyright 2002 BALAJI Web-Designs (BWD).
All other copyrights are copyright of their
respective owners.
_ _ _ Draco Malfoy Winamp Skin - - - Perspired _ _ _
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0211.29 1640
Draco Malfoy, the of Harry Potter, the Boy who Lives. As protrayed by Tom Felton in 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Se ...
1 fon(genel)
2 yazı( genel)
3 fon(search,118 items)
4 yazı( library, show info ...)
5 yazı(search, 118 items ....)
6 çerçeve (listeler)
8 fon (artist albüm...)
9 yazı( // )
10 sol ve üst çeçeve(artist albüm..)
11 sağ ve aLT çeçeve(artist alb ...
Thanks for downloading NeonG for Winamp!
This is a kind of 3D/tech. skin with a rather neon 'green' feel about it (thus the name).
It took around 3 days to create (from start to finish).
--------------------- ...
VL!3N professional
This skin was made by moocker
Any sugestions, or something else- mail me at info-is@in-file
PS: You can always find latest versions of my skins on my website ( http://rep ...
"Pelucky" by Sbin
created on August 2001
My 5th skin.
If you like it, download my previous ones!
Here is the list:
** "Zethus AMP" for the Andrea's site
** "Varenne" (in 2 versions) dedicat ...
created by: Sophicon
A skin based on the cover of the 7" Blondie single "Dreaming" from 1979. All components are skinned, including AVS, MikroAMP, and custom cursors.
Th ...