Hello, my name is Claire. I am 24 and I live in Wolverhampton in the UK. I am an artist. My main interest is Ceramic sculpture but I also draw and paint. This is not my first skin. I did Moth and Immortals II, and also Lexx amp, Welsh amp, IDSS and Dead man in black. As you can tell I like Lexx.
This skin is nothing to do with Sci-Fi.
Honey is for the website I am currently involved in. The Hive. It is a site for artists of all kinds to have the opportunity to submit and show their work. It will be free to join so watch this space.
I should also apologise for misleading anyone in my appearance in Immortals II as a background picture. She ain't me. I seem to have acquired her with the base skin and thus passed her on by mistake. Whoops!
If you want to see my work- www.claire.immortals.co.uk It is an interesting site honest.
Bye bye.
for: WebDesignersCouch @ DeviantART.com
by: c-specter (Christian Schönrank)
This skin was done for the Club "WebDesignersCouch" at Deviantart.com
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Winamp5 Classified skin for Winamp
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-=March 18, 2001=-
This is Wooden Winamp, a Winamp skin by Crazy Carl.
Visit me at http://carlfoust.tripod.com
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You may distribute this file by any method you like, as long as this readme and all other files are incl ...
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A fully-tilable ceramic skin with lots of little friends. The original BathTile became involved in a collaboration project called Jeri Ryan in the Pink. I had suc ...
Puma skin by Reptar | Readme
I always wondered why there isn't even a single Puma Winamp skin on the net, so I decided to make my own. This is basically the history of this skin :).
This is my third skin, and it has m ...