This is a character from a manga series by Yuri Narushima. I believe the series
he is from is called "The Young Magician". I have never actually read any of the
manga (Though I rould really like to get my hands on it!) but I had a
few pictures from it, and I thought this one was very nice :) I have one more skin
from this series I am working on right now too :)
***| || * Bio-S * || |***
FrezoreR and Breedart presents:
Winamp classic skin Bio-S.
¤ Creator: FrezoreR
¤ Skinning time: Several hours
¤ Special thanks to all you guys who helped and inspired me on this skin.
¤ Easteregg hidden in the .wsz file
ok I finally did it,I made a skin to complement my transfomers amp,
I hope you like it,the skin was made using micrografx picture
publisher 10.7:55 PM 9/8/2005
Thi ...
This skin is a limited edition version of my West Coast Eagles Skins.
It was made to coincide with the ten year anniversary of West Coast's
first premiership in 1992. This skin is created entirely by me, an ...
.:: Stubborn Version1.0 ::.
||||| by Cynthia C. |||||
This WinAMP skin was finished on 10-01-2002.
The metal texture and the toggle buttons have bee ...
Leeloo Amp (1)
This Winamp skin was made by Vickie Mapes (info-is@in-file).
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not an artist. I have no
artistic skills or imagination other than that I like to play
around with colors and images. If you think my s ...
Skin Name: Hitman Contracts 2004
Author: JayEm Manchester, UK
This is the new and improved version of the Hitman Contracts skin for Winamp 2.9 and above.
I've made a lot of changes after reading some of the reviews published by downloaders.
One o ...