-----------------------10:52 AM 6/1/2006----------------------
Finally it's finished I've been workin on this skin over a couple of days,Its a remix of a very old skin Called Dark Flare which was released way back in 1999,after seeing this skin I thought ...
Gunbuster Skin 04.25.2006
Wow my second skin in forever....
Its really red, I tried keeping with a general design, though maybe its overcrowded feeling? The balance button as usual for my skins is non functional, but everything else should work prope ...
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
For this skin, I wanted to recreate the look of one of those old-style amps. The skin has a kind of grungy look (as was my intent), but I tried to make it as realistic as possible. Ce ...
> p o o r a - c h a n n o s k i n <
author: piLaF-kun
version: 1.1
release date: 3/13/2ooo
>> c o m m e n t s
made with ms "pain" and paint shop pro 6.
this is my second finished skin for winamp,
i started it after having ...
DMX AMP - skinned by brothaman2000
My 1st skin of DMX, this is for all the DMX fans ARF!ARF!ARF!
Name: X Amp
Release Version: v1.0 (1st release in GREENtrancetheme)
File format: BMP
T-RackS v1.1 by Barta
Based on T-RackS GUI. T-RackS is a nice mastering
software, download it at: www.t-r ...
make shift (winamp skin)
skin design, layout and artwork property of joe psota: info-is@in-file..
other skins include opalescent, the creation series and a series of smashing pumpkins
skins found at :
and www.skinz.org...
Survive to Listen
Listen to MGS
ReListen to MGS
ReListen...to the 60s.
Snake Edition
"Classic" Winamp skin inspired by MGS3.
By Aaron Gordon
info-is@in-file ...