ADMIRAL skin by FerNando Mendez
22-09.2001 17OO
FINISH DATE 03-10.2001
Do you want to know the story?:
All started when me and my family were in my house having a chat
when i realize that there was a stereo's catalog under ...
** S-AMP 1.0 **
This is my
first skin. I
know it's not
as good as
those other ones
out there, but
I think it was
worthwhile to
try to make a
skin of my own
instead of editing
someone elses
all the time.
There are two
ways to config ...
***Demon v 1.0****
The DEMON has arrived and it's
designed to destroy Mp3,wav & etc.
This abomination was engineered in
Photoshop 5.5 and its attributes
the creator is a shadow that cannot
be seen but ...
MASSamp 4.0 for Winamp 2.x
It' s my second skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer, the minibrowser and AVS.
I used a little of Photoshop and Illustrator to make my skin but mostly Paint.
Please do not copy o ...