Thank you for downloading
Well, I thought Edo would end up
being my last culture themed skin
before winamp 3; But as fate would
have it, it wasn't- as winamp 3 is
now still being straigtene ...
Triple j amp blue version 1.0
wow it is blue!.
this one is far more sleek and easier one the
eyes. i like it, the buttons are mostly
text but thats good cause they look nice
and fit in. uh.. yeah so gimme feedback kids.
- Steelie
icq = 8 ...
by MinSun song
(info-is@in-file |
first of all..I'm not good at english..
this is my first skin to submit in ''
I started making skins for supporting my company..(Game & Character)'s ...
***| || * Bio-S * || |***
FrezoreR and Breedart presents:
Winamp classic skin Bio-S.
¤ Creator: FrezoreR
¤ Skinning time: Several hours
¤ Special thanks to all you guys who helped and inspired me on this skin.
¤ Easteregg hidden in the .wsz file
Thanks for downloading Leader Nut's WinAmp Skin...
to install this skin just unzip all of the files in your WinAmp
directory... using the old folder option in winzip or -d command
for pkunzip ... it should create a folder called "leadernut"
once all ...