Title: Shuttle Horizons N°5
Version: 1.2
Author: Evil Pumpkin (Lorenzo Marchi)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Completed: 29/07/2002 Mon, 11.51 am
My first faily good skin, made only with ...
Skin: Hassium AMP Hi-Tech
Version: 3.3
Author: Nexces
EMail: info-is@in-file
Note: A simple complex skin with two colours and lots of shades.
This is the final versio ...
Skin By
Mr User
Bmp's done in PhotoShop
Icons done in IconForge
Warped thoughts provided by the voices in my head!!
**********/ XXXX ///XXXX ***********
*********/ XXXX // XXXX XX^^ **********
********/ XXXX ...
Well this is it. The storm chaser skin is finally complete. Thanks to one individual who shall remain unnamed for giving me the basic design. I most likely would have given credit if the original wasn't so messed up. After spending 24 redesigning the layo ...
Pillars and Squiggles
come together is this awesome skin
Made by:
dot#: grid: description:
----- ----- ------------
1. x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews, etc.)
2. x=50: item foreground (text colour of edits, listv ...
April 2001
rp13 grey
Mein dreizehnter WinampSkin
Viel Spaß damit!
Was ich sonst noch mache:
POV-Ray, TakeONE und Sound Club:
speziell TakeONE auf:
Gruß Porrey
eMail: ...
a superinteligent shade of the color blue
What's this you say? It's not blue?
The previous version was blue. It also had cracks.
People complained about the cracks so I removed them.
But I wanted to make sure people had something to cop ...