Here is another Utena skin! It's from an ad for the new Utena movie that is
coming out soon in Japan. Wow, this movie looks funky! Not that the
series itself isn't surreal in the extreme, but the new character designs
are a bit different, ...
"idhuy music forever"
Released 3 sept 00 (in my b'days)
*Bandung Indonesia*
idhuy is my nick name, so this is my personal skin & 100% free !!
i hope you enjoy with this skin.
Skinmaster : Iswahyudi "idhuy" Hanafiah
e-mail : info-is@in- ...
I included a startpage for the minibrowser. Unfortunately it will be changed if you
update the links. Put the startpage (winampmb.htm) in the winamp-folder ...
Takezo presents his best Skin so far
Please contact me under: info-is@in-file
If you have any questions or whatever!
Have fun with it!!! ...