Block(bits)AMP v100
Simple, bright and a bit boring, great huh?
I was tired getting all these messy skins,
shure they look good but can you use it properly?
Noo way, to mouch in once, but I do want to recommend a REALLY good looking skin that
This skin is based on an image of Red XIII, by Nomura Tetsuya.
As a help, I have used the Skinner Atlas, Winamp region.txt generator and Vis Toolkit.
To enable transparency (if you have WinAmp 5) change the name of _region.txt to region.txt.
//TheSlo ...
SmokeAlot 2000
Ok, I know I'm supposed to say something in here
about the skin, but i'm tired.. so uhhhh.. yeah,
it's like blue and stuff, and it took me 5 nights
to do.. and uhh, it's got AVS, minibrowser, an ...
This skin i screated by Nik M. Mahyuddin.
My 3rd skin. Butterfly is taken from I'll improve my skinning soon (if you found any errors or bugs)
Pain Shop Pro
Photoshop 7
MS Paint
Axialis Cursor (to create the anim ...
COWBOY BEBOP winamp skin
skin by LuigiHann
Openning text found at
Art captured from DVD
Once upon a time, in New York City in 1941... at this club open to all comers to play, night after night, at a club name ...
-------- MARSHALL SKIN V2.0 ---------
designed by:
NINIDC : info-is@in-file
It's my first skin ,he was only made with PSP5 !
I w ...