Created By Steven Linton, 23/06/99
This is my 1st attempt at a Winamp skin, and considing the time it took, will probebly be my last as well.
I hope that you like it as much as I do, I made it for my personal use mainly as it seems no one likes it.
Everyone complains about the fact that you can't see that buttons but I reckon that after a while you get the hang of it. If you don't like it, don't use it; it's simple as that. The pictures are taken from paintings by H.R.Giger who incase you didn't know did the alien design for the movie Aliens. If you take a visit to my homepage you can take a look at the origionals.
My homepage
Any comments/donations to, info-is@in-file
Comments on the New Version, 13/04/01
Well it has taken me a while to get around to releasing this but hey, better late than never.
I was very proud of my winamp skin when I first released it. It recieved over 200,000 from winamp alone in a matter of 6 months (yes at the time that was impressive). Unfortunatly it only recieved 4 stars, yes, it did have a few buggy bits I admit. Well this version is perfected and perfected to perfection. I have used only this skin since I made it, and I am still not board of it!
Other interesting things, about 2 months after this winamp skin was released under went a vast facelift, now I would like to think that I caused this but hey can't let it go to my head.Unfortunatly I have never been able to get a responce from Giger himself. Never mind, can't win them all. I will say though it really made my day when someone sent me a message saying that they liked my winamp skin so much that they went to and purchased one of his watches!
I recieved a lot of fan mail when I released this last. Keep it coming people I love to hear from you!
Thanks, hope you enjoy this as much as I do
:: TRiO ::
[winamp skin]
dedicated to Juan Jose Vendramin
made in October of 2005
Bs As :: Argentina
Well, this time im bringin you a version of the TRIO CS1570 Osciloscope. Im pretty sure that this cool device isn't very popula ...
My third skin and what to say it's not so bad
it's fully made in adobe photoshop and one part in
paint.My inspiration was a game Metal Fatigue that is my favorite.
My favorite skins on WINAMP.COM are MASSAmp 4 and Nucleo Alien Mind
This skin is made i ...
Hello, my name is Claire. I am 24 and I live in Wolverhampton in the UK. I am an artist. My main interest is Ceramic sculpture but I also draw and paint. This is not my first skin. I did Moth and Immortals II, and also Lexx amp, Welsh amp, IDSS and Dead m ...
A r c h N o v a v 1 . 0
b y V E N D I C A T O R
Metal grey with LCD... kinda boring idea
but it went out pretty ok.
I really wanted the dotty display, even
though there were some trouble doing it.
WinAMP 2.2 suppor ...