Promo skin for Uranther: The Portfolio of James Wheaton
Fixed a few bugs
Added animations
Fixed Equalizer
Added support for version 2.9
Skin Info:
Works with 2.8x or below.
Everything works with 2.90 except for the AVS skin.
I will fix this when i get the chance
This is my first skin ever, I've never skinned a program before. There will be a Winamp3 skin coming with the same styling as this skin but it will most likely be released after Uranther. I actually began that skin way before this and the website, I'm just too lazy to finish it off. Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, etc. And be sure to visit my portfolio! :)
Contact Info:
Email: info-is@in-file
AIM: sithgoku
MSN: info-is@in-file
Copyright 2003 James Wheaton.
Skin Name: Zombie
Version: 2.0
Author: Michael Jervis
Email: info-is@in-file
Skinned: Main, Playlist, Equaliser, Minibrowser.
Description: Based on Rob Zombie's cover art for his first sol ...
:: Author: Joe W. Garrett ::
:: Skin: Falcon ::
:: Date: 13-July-01 ::
Special Thanks and Recoginition
Winamp Skin Love Forum
Skin Done in 6 Hours
All parts Skinne ...
Smackdown! skin
This skin is dedicated for the Smackdown show of WWE.It is better than the Raw skin I made.Enjoy the skin.
Any comments or suggestions,mail me at info-is@in-file ...
Red Dwarf Amp 1 - Red Dwarf
Skin by C. Pitts, completed on 7-29-01
If you are reading this then you took apart my skin. SHAME ON YOU! : )
Anyways, a lot of work went into this, so don't mess with it or rip it off or anything. Beyond ...
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Condign v 1.0
=== === === === === === === === === ===
Started on: 2000.07.10
Finished on: 2001.02.12
Released on: 2002.07.21
Created by: Joshua Clark
Created with: Adobe Photosho ...