if you like this original winamp skin,
you'll love the matching desktop theme featuring active & plain
wallpaper, musical screen saver, outlook
stationery, icq skin and internet explorer skin.
my desktop themes contain the complete song the sounds wer ...
Lufia. The Legend, The Legacy, The Skin.
This skin took me months to create since I didn't concentrate on it entirely. I knew someone had to make a Lufia Skin so I could listen to my Lufia songs. And when I found this pic it just said 'SKIN ME' all ove ...
- Clarion AutoPC
- v2 basically looks smoother
- Designed to look like Clarion's AutoPC
- Used to be Brand Name skin I dont nowe what it is now
- Designed by Neokat (me)
- info-is@in-file (Free Internet)
- http://neokat.bizland.com
This is an up ...
SilverBullet skin for WinAmp 2.x was created by Bobo. No rippin ok.
Contact me at info-is@in-file with questions and feedback. Also, check out my homepage www.fik.nu/bobo.
Bullit Minibrowser