z o r g V 2 . 0
misery could get no sleep one night and so he
started another winamp skin.
winamp 1.x/2.x
miseryamp 1.0 (-)
phreak ...
To the only girl i loved
It's been so long we've been together
And for that long i've loved you
From the very first our eyes met
Until now...
and for eternity
You are the only one for me
There will be no other
Who will take your place
And th ...
Tangerine Scream
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
My first, and probably last texture based skin!.
This skin was done, maily because I like orange, there is a distinct
lack or orange skins i ...
Batman - The Dark Knightİ
by the Digital Dragon
Software Interface (skin) for the WinAMP music player (http://www.winamp.com)
Released: April 10, 2001
Thank you for downlo ...
TubeAmp y2000 Winamp Skin
- Release version: 1.2
- Description: This is millennium skin based on TubeAmp Light (an another skin of mine).
What's new?
- Changes: new color palette, added shadows here and there; some changes in transparency of the EQ ...
:: Breeder Unit v1 ::
made for breed release #21
Tribute to Zkreso's breedart.org interface. Thanks to everyone at skinlove and breed, and especially ViDA for hints on how to improve my technique.