EVANGELIST winamp skin
by Cameron Kerr
version 1.0 11/09/2000
And yes, it does appear that such things as the mono/stereo, balance, shuffle and repeat are hidden. That's because Miss Linda has such a pretty face. It would be a same to have "SHUFFLE/ ...
-Fractal Distortion-
created by Dar Kuma
website : www.KoVurt-Design.tk
e-mail : info-is@in-file
date started : 01 January 2006, 02:12am
date finished : 18 July 2006, 01:10am ...
Golden Ring v2 --- by Jellby
(January-April 2002)
To install the included preset, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'GoldenRing.avs' directly into your winampavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just right-click i ...
"Multi-PassIC Carbon" by RavingMedia, a winamp classic port of the winamp Modern skin "Muti-pass carbon" by http://www.rpeterclark.com/
Date started: September 1st, 2004
Date completed: September 15th, 2004
Date released: September 16th, 2004 (With t ...
_ _ _ Harry Potter Skin - - - Missing 1.0 _ _ _
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0211.30 18.50
This is another one of WinAmp Skin made during my 'Chamber of Secrets' mania. Featuring 'The Boy Who Lives', Harry Potter. ...