Winamp Ithaki skin, version 3, the Dark RMX.
People with dark desktops found the original Ithaki3 colours far too bright, so
here's a dark version. Apart from the darker colour scheme it's identical to the
normal Ithaki3 skin. All windows and shades ...
Author: Mark Wiseman
Skin: TrinatroN 2
Version: 1.0
Skinned: Everything except cursors
This is my third winamp skin and i really just wanted a plain simple ski ...
---------+-+=) CLAY b o x (=+-+---------
created by Alexej Portnoff.
V e r s i o n 1.0 ------ 10 June, 2000
---------------=--==== @ ====--=-----------------
Guess what ! All the elemen ...
>> DENON '' Antique '' Component for Winamp
Thanks so much your downloading.
Version 1.5 ------------------- 2002/4/15
This is my fifth work.
Generic Silver - by Klae Ryan
This skin is a ripoff of any silver skin you've ever seen.
It is not unique.
It is like everything you've ever seen.
The idea came from constantly trying to make silver style skins like the ones you see everywhere. I ...
15th to 24th May 2000.
It's called Have Blue and there is no blue to be seen.
I could tell you why but I won't.
You may already know what Have Blue means.
If you don't, Hmmmmmmm, ...