Dia Dhuit ! That's Irish for Hello. Being a native Irishman I decided to do this skin. It's the great Irish Flag, of corse, with a celtic cross for the "about" button, a shamrock for the options and complete with skinned equalizer, playlist editor, minibr ...
UYC by drop
After too may hours hunched over my keyboard its finally complete. This was made entirely with Paint Shop Pro.
UYC is a hard core band from Canada with a somewhat of a fast punk style. go check them out at http://listen.to/uyc. ...
|Phantomizer v1.1|
-A few things about the skin:
-I made the skin in about 4 days.
-All the goodies are included, region.txt, the cursors and the AVS
-At first the skin was made with Moray and then edited with PSP 6.
-New for the v1.1 ...
```````````````````````````` AquaSteel 1.0 ````````````````````````````
This is my 12th Skin, and was created to prove
that my skins aren't plain and simple.
This skin took about 6 days to complete, using
MS Paint & Adobe Photoshop.
The MikroAm ...
I'm back!
++++ sonicated skin V4 ++++
(c)1999 YUG and KickButts
// changes
* some minor changes and fixes in all skins
* added minibrowser skin
* added custom cursors
// To YUG
* I hope that you like what I did with your orig ...
******************* the original rag doll amp *******************
******************* v1.16 *******************
******************* designed by hidden_violence ...
NOKIA 8390 (Original Version) by: Khalid A. Moh'd Abuein
DATE: July/28th/2002
For all Nokia lovers (and 8390 series),
here is the 8390 skin, I hope you'll all
love it, e-mail me for special designs.
skinner: ARTiX ...
{The Equilibrium must be maintained}
Created By Aner D. Nitsan
July 30th 2001
This is my 4th skin and the second in two months!
I'm a machine!
Well... it got all that you need from a skin:
Main, Equlizer, Play List, Mini-Browser ...
| README [readme.txt] |
ARCTEC FX [Solid Silver]
The Viscolor.txt file is created using Winamp Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski
http://home.pacbell.net/macko ...
Skin Name = Glassworx ***See Notes***
Skin Version = 2.1
Skin Category = PolyMetal
Category Ver = 4.0
Skin Author = Joe W. Garrett
Author Alias 1 = Garet Jax
Author Alias 2 = Revrick
Author Alias 3 = Wouldn't you like to know the many version ...