"The Shadow" skin
for WinAMP 2.9x
Version 2.0
>>- About:
Created by I)estym
Summer-Autumn 2003
>>- Version 2.0 changes:
- skinned General plugins windows.
- slinned the video window
- added custom cursors
- new bitmap font (I call it "custom" because it's not the font from base skin;))
- deleted the blur effect when a button is pressed
- improved the song title for bitmap font
- improved the playback buttons when pressed
- larger EQ sliders
- changed "20db" in EQ to "12db"
- gradient background for EQ sliders
- added blur effect to visualization in playlist
>>- I really like the cursor in the library and the playlist. It's a real shadow....
Hope you enjoy it !
my e-mail: info-is@in-file
If you mail me anything, please make sure that the subject is "winamp"(without quotes). Else there are good chances that I won't be able to read your letter.
By John Kreitlow
In Association with RADIUM-V Interactive
Version 1
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*psssshk* *snap*
Any similarity between this skin and any real skin, alive or dead, is solely the product of the viewer's imagination and should be immediate cause for said viewer to consume massive ammounts of alcoholic beverages.
*beeeeeeeeeeeeeo ...
Thank you for Downloading
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