-- Harappa Skin ---
by TazThemes
This skin is based on the website Harappa.com, a media spigot to South Asia's past.
Once visited I decided to use the site's graphics
for a WinAmp skin. I was brought to this by the e-india skin.
The skin is c ...
ReadMe.txt file for Obsession V1.0 By SMAR
Created for BreedArt pack #22 - http://www.breedart.org
My 2nd skin made for the new Breedpack.
Took a bit longer to make than I thought,
but it worked out nic ...
Sharon Amp DW
by Larry Tennison
This is the secound skin that I ever made, and is finally being
submitted for the first time. After the "Macross Skin", also available
on the officail Winam ...
GeNome VI
This is my 6th WAskin, hope u enjoy it...
I used:
-Windows ME
-Adobe Photoshop 6.0
-a lot of my free time
Other skins by me (in chronological order):
-Subspaze Player (not published)
-NeoTec 3K
-Photon Yellow
-Ph ...
Enjoy the Stream Machine version 1a for Winamp2.9 & Winamp5
Made by Frixzi (info-is@in-file), Nov 2004.
Thanks to Jellby for the Skinner's Atlas v1.5.1
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