Pillars and Squiggles
come together is this awesome skin
Made by:
dot#: grid: description:
----- ----- ------------
1. x=48: item background (background to edits, listviews, etc.)
2. x=50: item foreground (text colour of edits, listv ...
Ancolie9d, by ThP, juillet-aoűt 2000
ThP = Thierry Pottier
Available in red (Ancolie9d-rouge), orange (Ancolie9d-orange) and blue (Ancolie9d-bleu)
Try it windowshade!!! ...
Nuklear Power - Home of 8-bit Theater
Nuklear Power - The Home of 8-bit Theater
This skin is based entirely on 8-bit Theater as well as the site layout of its home, www.nuklearpower.com.
Skin created by Matthew Sher. Speci ...
Hola gente... bueno acá ya pueden ver la 3era versión y media de arix...
Para quienes se preguntan que paso con las versiones 1 y 2 que estaban en winamp.com: resulta que por algún maldito problema,
Los skins dej ...
_______------( CakrAmp )-------________
Made in Indonesia
by Setyo Ari Cahyono
Inspired by Riddick Movie, i have an idea to create this skin. Very hardcore orange metal.
I work with Adobe Photoshop 7.0
CakrAmp adapted ...
Winamp skin: MacOS X - With a small drop of ink
Based on Apple's MacOS X Aqua user interface
Skin by Mathijs van Altvorst (info-is@in-file)
I was motivated to make this skin after I downloaded the "Winamp X" skin, made by DeeLight. I altered the s ...