The Deli-Llama Amp Ver. 0.9 by Jacob Aspler
Released: July 21, 2003
Email: info-is@in-file
-Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for download at ...
hardcoregamer amp finish release by... hardcoregamer
this skin was made to work with winamp 2.x (I think)
and optimised for winamp 2.66 the version i got
finished the 12/3/2000 23:10
thank you for using this skin (or simply browse it ?)
there i ...
TI83 Amp
by Marc DeSantis
Just unzip the file into a folder called TI83amp in your winamp skins directory.
I am in no way affiliated with Texas Instruments, and if I get into trouble
because of copyri ...