Star Wars ep2: Attack of the Clones v1.0
my second star wars ep2 skin (well my third if you
include my boba/jango fett skin) features Luke and Leia's
mother and Anakin's love interest, padme.
also included in the file is an alternative Shuffrep, ...
-----------------by josé marín------------------------------
You can send me an e-mail to: info-is@in-file
or to info-is@in-f ...
| StarAmp v1.2 256 for Winamp 2.02+ |
Who: Think (alias Cutmasta alias Chris B.)
How long: 15h (+/- 2h and 3 minutes)
When: 2nd of May, 1999
Where: Innsbruck, Au ...
july 19, 2002
xbox masteramp winamp skin release 1.03
my third skin, took me about 40 hours to do this one. I'm a huge xbox fan, and I'll most likely make a few xbobx game-based skins, (ie halo), in the near future.
My fiance' gave up alot of ho ...