Autor Name: Nexces
Autor EMail: info-is@in-file
Skin Relase: 2.02
Homepage: [none for now]
Description, eh...
Well, I like this skin because I used the colors I usually use in Windows, so it fits very well.
For a better expe ...
This skin, SquareAmpv1.1, made by The Emerald Dragon. It is a WinAmp skin based on Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, and is a 'game' category skin.
I took advantage of the different bitmaps for active/inactive windows, so watch for details...for i ...
Made by: W.D. aka David and NKA (Now Know As) Trent
DATe: 1:1-8:03
Skin Name: "color me crazy" (if skin is named other wise please change)
For MiniBrowser go to: ...
| Aquatic AMP V1.0 |
By Ahmed Arebi
8, 1, 1999
This skin makes the Winamp water resistant
and it includes a preset for Nullsoft wVis 4.1 (Visual plug-in)
This winamp skin also includes ...
Official Skin By
BAnAnA Here,
You Like My skin?
I Put A Lot Of Effort Into It...
Please Do Not Steal My Flippin Skin!
Otoño v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
May 2005
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned AVS for old Winamp.
Skinned MikroAmp.
Skinned Minibrowser.
Skinned cursors.
Otoño ...
Matthew 27:54
So when the centurion and those
with him, who were guarding Jesus,
saw the earthquake and the things
that had happened, they feared
greatly, saying, "Truly this was
the Son of God!" ...