Made by Geoff Lee '04
If you think Williams College rocks or you thinks Amherst sucks, or if like any responsible citizen you think both, this skin is for you.
-Our sublimely kicka ...
I S W ...
Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 08/01/2003
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Comment: ???
P.S. If you have any comments or
helpful tips, feel free to
contact ...
The ROBOTECH complete WINAMP skin
Includes: Main player, Equilizer, Playlist & Minibrowser
Hi there,
Well, see how it goes, "If you want something you've got to do it your ...
::[ edgecrusher ]:: LAME BLUE
v. 1.0
release date: 11.04.2k2
skin by: gerdez a.k.a. "a Láma"
Notes: It's been a while since I ...
Highway Amp. Version 1.1
skinned by k_rock923
(C) 2004
Skinning time- You don't want to know (really)
Programs- around a million: mspaint,
microsoft image composer, adobe illustrator,
notepad, microsoft gif animator, ...
Readme Amp X-Treme v1.2
Hi and welcome to the readme file of this skin.
This skin is created for the latest version of WInamp, meaning that it has an Equalizer, Playlis ...