This Kurama Winamp skin took me about half a day to complete, in hours! I skinned everything I could, and most of the buttons show, so that's something that seperates it from the rest of my skins. My first two tries, I only did a few buttons before I found out that the buttons were out of place. On the third try, I decided to start out from scratch, and I got to fit more of the picture in the skin because I minimized the picture. I was thinking about making all that green, on the pledit and all those other pieces, pink, but that was too much pink, even for Kurama. As you can tell from that sentence, I'm not a Kurama girl fan, as in I don't really like him. I think this skin is pretty good.
Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 3.0
miercoles, 21, septiembre, 2005
es la continuacion de la wmp 2.0 tiene algunas mejoras ke ojala les guste ...
MASSamp 4.0 for Winamp 2.x
It' s my second skin and it contains the main window, the playlist, the equalizer, the minibrowser and AVS.
I used a little of Photoshop and Illustrator to make my skin but mostly Paint.
Please do not copy o ...
My second skin. Made for my new home page :
Not perfect yet. I want to submit it now
because after this I won't have time to
work on it anymore, too busy.
So, I really expect comments from the user
about my skin. If I h ...
Version 1 21 Jan 2005
Created by Jim Stenzel
e-mail: info-is@in-file
(c) 2005
Skinned components include :
Main, EQ, Playlist, Minibrowser,
Library, and Video windows.
Also includes animated cursors -
you're welcome to extract t ...
DJ SD Amp 2.0
Finished August 26th 1999
Version 1.1 adds Minibrowser and Minimized EQ Skinned.
Main Design idea from Fiend Amp
Eq Parts Idea from Spy Amp
Assembled and Changed and ...
-WinampDotCom- by dlinkwit27
I made this skin as a tribute to the new look.
Much thanks goes out to all the members of the skinlove forum and to Jellby
for his skinnersatlas. Without Them this skin would have never made it out of my hea ...