Created By Pablo Almonacid from Argentina
all rights reserved.....
This skin is was created by Pablo Almonacid info-is@in-file
Date: 25 May, 2003
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made by: petepan
Hi, since u liked my skin bluemetal i figured i should try making a new one.
But... well I'm not so convinced u will like this one as much as my other one... but h ...
Angel Sanctuary! Once again I succumb to the temptation of makig more
Angel Sanctuary skins! I can't help it, the artwork is so awesome!
info-is@in-file ...
Permission Granted!
I'm happy to give permission to Dangeruss (Russell Schwenkler) to use my 'Dervish' design for WindowBlinds and NextStart skins as a basis for his designs for matching application skins.
Tim Dagger
-- essorant --
info-is@in-fi ...
Por Verónica Mogni
Comentarios? Sugerencias? info-is@in-file
Septiembre 2002
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Incluye un AVS:
Renombrar AbismoAmp.wsz a
Extraer *.AVS ...
___ MAJOR TOM ___
by Stephen Moss
version 2.6 REMIX: March 31, 2001
original release: November 20, 1999
MAJOR TOM is an homage to the US space program. It's derived from NASA's Apollo-era control consoles.
It ...