1. About Providence:
Providence is a tabletop role-playing game which combines high fantasy and superheroes. Published by XID Creative, Providence contains a richly detailed environment with quick and flexible (but not loose) game mechanics.
Roughly two thousand years ago, a major rebellion errupted on an old world populated with winged people. The rebels failed, however, and entire populations were exiled to Providence. Then the magic portals which transported them were closed, trapping the people and their jailers. Over the millennia, the people have faced the dangers of the Wardens, who still consider them prisoners; the Lost Tribes, natives exiled so long ago they evolved into whole new races; the unforgiving denizens of Providence's deep jungles; and the shame of slowly devolving into a non-winged people.
Now the construct that is Providence has started unraveling. As the world around them collapses, the races of Providence must find a way to open the Gates back to their homeworld. Into this maelstrom are born the Shards. Individuals with the magic of Providence itself coursing through them, Shards are capable of superhuman feats and wield great power. Some use their powers for selfish paths, but many, hopefully enough, choose to become heroes. Heroes that may be Providence's only hope of survival.
Learn more about the bubble realm of Providence by visiting
The illustrations and quotes used in this skin come from the various XID Creative game books. They are all copyright XID Creative and are used here with permission.
The Dove and Eagle characters in the main window are illustrated by Dave Roberts.
The Dragon in the equalizer and the MikroAmp Swan are by Jean Phillippe Dupras.
The cityscape used in the playlist buttons is Cry-Star, by Raven Mimura (
All illustrations are copyrighted by the respective artists.
2. About This Skin File:
Winamp is a software-based digital audio player for Windows systems. One of Winamp's many features is the ability to customize the GUI with "skin" files, of which this archive is one. This build of Providence RPG Amp is compatible with Winamp version 2.65 or earlier. You can download Winamp at
To use this archive, simply move it (still as a zip file) into your Winamp skins directory, generally C:/Program Files/Winamp/Skins. Within the Winamp options menu you will find the Skin Browser, which allows you to select the look of Winamp.
This file might have an extension of "wsz". If so, it is still a valid zip archive which has simply been renamed. This renaming allows Winamp to automatically install the skin when you open the file through any conventional Windows method.
This archive may be distributed freely as long as no profit is gained from any such transactions. No files within the archive may be altered or deleted.
3. About MikroAmp:
This zip file includes a skin for MikroAmp, a Winamp plug-in by Michael Jervis. MikroAmp provides a small, handy interface for Winamp which keeps all Winamp's controls tucked neatly into a corner of your desktop.
If you have MikroAmp installed, you don't need to do anything more for the Providence skin, MikroAmp will apply it automatically.
You can download MikroAmp at
4. About Acknowledgements:
In creating Providence RPG Amp, I used:
- Corel Photo-Paint 9 (
- Viscolor utility by Eugene Loginov (
This being my first skin, I referenced a couple of tutorials to grok the mysteries of Winamp skins:
- Magic Layer 3 site (
- Strider's Unofficial Winamp Skin Specs (
- WSD Art of Skinng Tutorial (
Winamp hosts a Share Your Skin Love forum, which is an entertaining place to visit if you want to make your own skins:
Finally, I'd like to thank the president of XID Creative, Nicolas Jequier, for both creating Providence itself and generously giving me permission to use the game's artwork in this skin.
If you have questions or comments on Providence RPG Amp, you can contact me through email at: info-is@in-file.
-- Cappy
WA5 additions by Jones June '05
Providence RPG Minibrowser
Sophia 1.0, sept.'03
(c) peacemaker.
*standard version.
_ _ _ _
This skin is going towards part of my collection, of the bio-mechanical breed.
tainted towards the darkness within all of us..
thanks go out to a few people, for all of your frie ...
````````````````````````` Titanium-Canary 1.0 `````````````````````````
This skin has a canary yellow display, with a titanium
and silver backdrop. This skin was inspired by the
"Titanium Y" skin, which is one of my favourite
skins(Good work Fyre) ...
You know those assignments you
used to get in Elementary
school with the purple ink?
It’s kinda like that.
First skin, made with MS Paint.
December 2005
Bandit ...
*psssshk* *snap*
Any similarity between this skin and any real skin, alive or dead, is solely the product of the viewer's imagination and should be immediate cause for said viewer to consume massive ammounts of alcoholic beverages.
*beeeeeeeeeeeeeo ...
April 14, 2000
Greetings from the Dark. I am The Warlock. I have created the Super Mario Bros. skin for all the true die hard Mario fans out there that love and appreciate how awesome the original game was. I have made the skin work entirely with the amp ...
Children Of Bodom [SINGLES] Series 1: Children Of Bodom
by Mario Portuguez
¿Ya completaste la Serie de Children Of Bodom?
Si la respuesta es no entonces ve a
y bus ...