The Fairy Land Story Ver1.3 For Winamp 2.9x.
Cursor's bug fixed, and some detail fixed.
Extract this archive and rename 1region.txt to region.txt.
The blue area of "MainWindow and Eq" are becomes transparent
6/8/200 ...
United States Naval Academy Skin v.1.0
Hello. This is a Winamp Skin for the U.S. Naval Academy.
Its my first skin. The color mapping is a bit off for the play list.
Other than that, I think everything is OK...any com ...
NatAmp 3.0a "Pearls and Gold" by MonkeyGoD
I got so many nice emails in the last six months about
my NatAmp2.0 green skin that i decided to make another. This time a more complex skin, w/ a luxurious pearl an ...