Washington DC
by NemoOrange
Version 1.0
November 2005
Made with Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.0
nemoorange.deviantart.com :: my art
visbot.net :: world class AVS presets ...
version 1.51
Blue version
Imagine your brain as a canister filled with ink,
Yeah, now think of your body as the pen where the ink resides
Fuse the two; KAPOW! What are you now?
You're the human magic marker, won't you please sur ...
Everything skinned. Includes MircoAMP skin.
looks best when Analyzer is on "fire style" and "think bands".
Modern StereoAmplifier by Salamander.
Skin for Winamp 2.9.
Making this skin I use Ulead PhotoImpact 7, Corel PhotoPaint 11, Microangelo 5, Vis Toolkit (by Andrew Mackowski) and Maxim's Region Maker (by Maxim).
If you like my skin please tell me!!!
my ...
-============== WinSkin 2.9 ==============-
Winamp skin for Winamp v2.9 or lower.
Skin para Winamp v2.9 ou versões anteriores (deve funcionar com versões posteriores também), baseado no desenho do Wi ...