A tribute to Piet Mondrian (1872-1944),
one of the greatest artists of the
20th Century.
Composition number 1
in red, yellow, blue & gray
by Robso ...
Soliloquy Skin for Winamp
This skin is Copyright 2000 Inspirator.
This archive may be freely distributed as long
as the original archive remains intact.
balance.bmp 88kb
cbuttons.bmp 16kb
eqmain.bmp 256kb
eq_ex.bmp 68kb
main.bmp ...
Penny Arcade
You wouldn't get it.
Winamp skin by LuigiHann
All art stolen from the comic by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, except for the kitchen background which was taken from ObeyTheTube.net
Penny Arcade (www ...
EVANGELIST winamp skin
by Cameron Kerr
version 1.0 11/09/2000
And yes, it does appear that such things as the mono/stereo, balance, shuffle and repeat are hidden. That's because Miss Linda has such a pretty face. It would be a same to have "SHUFFLE/ ...
1 fon(genel)
2 yazı( genel)
3 fon(search,118 items)
4 yazı( library, show info ...)
5 yazı(search, 118 items ....)
6 çerçeve (listeler)
8 fon (artist albüm...)
9 yazı( // )
10 sol ve üst çeçeve(artist albüm..)
11 sağ ve aLT çeçeve(artist alb ...
* All Components Updated for winamp 2.95 *
This skin is the latest in my series
of ...