15th to 24th May 2000.
It's called Have Blue and there is no blue to be seen.
I could tell you why but I won't.
You may already know what Have Blue means.
If you don't, Hmmmmmmm, how can you find out.
You could visit the Gibbon and ask him.
His place of rest is cited below.
If you want to know ask, if you think you know tell.
Visit the forum and discuss it with him.
As for me I am but a follower, he is the leader.
He is us, he knows all.
You can ask him anything.
Quick skin(Hooray)without whom.
PSP5 Copy/Paste Copy/Paste Copy/Paste.........
All sections skinned this time.
Mini Browser.
AVS Window.
All shade modes.
Also included a Have-Blue AVS preset.
Not that happy with the Vol control, I will change it
when I come up with something good.
Didn't have space to label the control buttons...
But I guess most people know how Winamp works by now.
Any comments to info-is@in-file
Children Of Bodom Series III: Tokyo Warhearts
by Mario Portuguez
¿Ya completaste la Serie de Children Of Bodom?
Si la respuesta es no entonces ve a 1001winampskins.com y busca los otros 4 SKINS para c ...
advance4[WA2] / teal
(c) sz1, 2003
For total 10+ colors visit: http://521.2ya.com
This skin is part of advance4[] suite.
Release date: 14th July, 2003.
Updated 18th July, 2003. ...
Hi everyone
This skin is titled Beneath The Surface from SG1 Season 4.
It belongs in the Movie/Television category and is version 1.0.
It shows Sam and Jack minus their memories getting rather comfy.
Hope all you Sam and Jack fans like.
in ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...