version 1 - September 12, 2000
skin for WinAmp v2.x
1. Copy or move to the WinAmp Skins directory.
2. Launch WinAmp, and type Alt-S for the Skin Browser.
3. Double-click on 'savana.'
--={This Desert Amp}=--
v 1.00
Author : Matt Nelson, info-is@in-file
Website : (
ICQ # : 110731686
Date : 04/24/01
--={ Comments }=--
A Skin based on my favorite band, the ...
Û³ ³Û
Û³ This skin was made for you by Zewen in the year of the lord 1999 ³Û
Û³ ...
-=Readme! GreenZone Winamp skin=-
Thank you for choosing my skin.
This is 1 of many skins I've created, but it is the best one.
Please give this skin to all your friends.
Please take a look at and underneath
the category co ...
Fish Bowl Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
Man was this ever a mistake LOL, this amp was one of those bright ideas,
that I should have left alone, anyhow once I started , just could'nt seem