Le Son Vert
by MsbS
You ain't got to be blue... All you gotta do is to skin green.
This skin's creation started in the autumn, when evenings seem to last forever and your eyes long for the green... Standard, rectangular shape, clear, easy-to-u ...
- Netscape 6 Amp v4.4 - 02/19/2001
Version with Main, Eq, PL, MB, and AVS.
Use Netscape5 of the IconPackager theme together by all means, too.
Hope you like it Enjoy!! :-)
http://ronz.net/ ...
* * * R E A D M E * * *
_________________________ ____ __ _
M E T A L R U S T v 1.0
* about the skin a the tools.
* other skins.
* why I´ve made a minibrowser html
and how to use it.
* last info. ...