ooo BABY BLUES ooo
The first skin ever by Scruffy the Dog!
Everything in this skin is my own work,
created solely with Adobe Photoshop and
with Icon Forge. Many, many hours were
put into making this skin, so if you
decide to copy it, go ahead and choke
yourself just to save me the trouble of
doing it later! Thank you and enjoy!
Peace to everyone!! :-D
Please send me any comments/questions/
money/food. . . info-is@in-file
Thanks to: *
* Emily "The Cold" Harris
* Fried ice cream
* Dingleberries
* Captain Crunch
* and Scruffy, my real dog,
who doesn't mind if I
borrow his name.
I have no connection to the people who own and make the Homestar cartoons and website. The characters and situations depicted in this skin, as well as virtually all of the original graphics, were crea ...
This Skin was made by Kjell Ervik 1999.
You may distribuate it freely
Original name: Fairline Amp
It's a tribute to the American car
I thought it might fit right in under the Dashboard???
:) ...
Yamaha PoLogic Skin for Winamp:
Modified from the popular Yamaha DSP-A2 skin to match ProLogic
Yamaha amplifier's design.
Thanks to Steve for this nice Skin I've adapted...(see below)
YAMAHA DSP-A2 Skin for Winamp
This skin is based on Y ...